Atefeh Ghaseminia

1990 born.Qom.IRAN

2013 B.A in Painting from S.hahed University_Tehran

Solo Exhibition: 2017 Naranj art Gallery_Shiraz

Group Exhibitions 

2020 POSTCARDS_Carbafoo_Saye art Gallery_Tehran

2020 to exist_Negah ArtGallery_Tehran

2019 Mantra Art Gallery_Tehran

2019 Scattered_Vista Art Gallery_Tehran

2019 Mising Pieces_Platform 3 Art Gallery_Tehran

2019 Iranian Artites_Latuvu Gallery_Belgium

2019 Iranian Artites_Latuvu Gallery_France

2018 Mirror Garden_Vesaal Shirazi Art Gallery_Shiraz

2018 Iranian Painters_Lebonan

2018 THE ROOTS_Seyhoun Art Gallery_Tehran

2017 journey_Vesal Art Gallery_Shiraz

2017 Full Color Contemporary Visual Artist_Iranian Artists forum_Tehran

2017 100Artisits 100 Artworks_Golestan Art Gallery_Tehran

2017 WHITE LINE Art Gallery_Tehran

2016 Maryam art Gallery_Tehran

2016 Atashi art Gallery_Kerman 

2014 Art Festival Versus_ Iranian Artists forum _Tehran

2013 Stuckism International Exhibition_Day Gallery_Tehran

2012 Visual Arts Biennial Damonfar_Tehran